Registration will open up to LADA dealer members in June.
August 18 12:00 pm
August 19 12:00 pm
August 21 12:00 pm
August 26 12:00 pm
August 27 12:00 pm
August 28 12:00 pm
The Legislative Roadshow is a statewide series of interactive meetings where LADA staff, industry partners, and dealers come together to discuss key issues impacting the automotive industry. Dealers’ input plays a vital role in shaping LADA’s advocacy efforts.
Formerly known as the LADA Regional Meetings, the newly rebranded Legislative Roadshow has shifted from the spring to the fall. This change allows LADA to invite state legislators to participate and ensures dealers have an early opportunity to provide feedback on priorities for the next year's legislative session.
Registration and sponsorships will open to LADA members in the summer.